Understand the different types of Reconstructive Transplantation


Hair transplants are an effective and practical solution to hair loss. But did you know that there are different types of hair transplants ? They allow you to regain a dense and natural head of hair, according to your preferences and your budget.

In this article, we will explain in detail what characterizes each type of hair transplants, so that you can better choose the procedure that suits you best.

What are the types of hair transplants?

Hair transplants are an effective solution for restoring hair. They can be made from a variety of materials and come in a variety of shapes. The most common implants are FUE, STRIP and anchor implants.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) implants are based on the extraction of donor hair units, consisting of 1 to 4 hairs each. These transplants are inserted one by one into openings made with a special instrument.

The STRIP (suture-free) implants are removed by parallel dissection. They are then sliced and divided into single units and implanted by puncture with a small special instrument.

Anchor implants are fully implanted and are designed to form a base for the hair following traction. They are placed under the skin, which allows them to hold the hair longer.

With advances in technology and cosmetic medicine, hair transplants have become a viable option for the treatment of baldness. Patients who wish to have a new head of hair are encouraged to consult with a specialist to better understand the type of implant that is best for them.

What type should I choose?

Choosing the right type of hair transplant requires thought and preparation. It is important to consider all aspects related to your look, your budget and your expectations.

FUT hair transplants are a more intrusive method because they involve removing a strip of tissue from the donor area on your head. FUE implants, on the other hand, are a gentler and less invasive method because the procedures are limited to extracting each hair individually.

Ultimately, what you need to consider are the results, the budget and the recovery time. If you opt for the FUT method, it is recommended to wait a minimum of 8 weeks after your procedure for the donor area to fully recover. If you opt for the FUE option, the recovery time is significantly shorter at only 48 hours.

Remember, each procedure, FUT or FUE comes with advantages, disadvantages and costs, you just need to find the method that best fits your needs and budget. Ask a professional like Hasci Swiss Clinic, they will be able to guide you to the right choice.

Conclusion: Understanding the different types of hair transplants

In conclusion, we can see that hair transplants have become increasingly popular as a way to address the problem of baldness. By understanding the various hair transplants techniques and standards, individuals can find the treatment that is best for them. Regardless of their decision, it is important to consult a qualified professional and seek information from authorities and patients who have undergone the treatment. The patient can also consult a specialist to learn about the specifics of these procedures and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques.